Best Time
The best time to plant a tree was twenty years ago. The second best time is now.
— Chinese Proverb
2018 is going to be the year of creation for me.
To get things rolling, I thought I’d start this blog. I’ve been conspiring with so many ideas the last month for where I see myself taking Ambition District. I’ve come to realize I can’t change something that hasn’t yet been started.
The process of creating something meaningful requires three steps.
1) Observation
- Consuming information from books, articles, podcasts, videos, people, etc.
- Reviewing Speculations and results of Experimentations.
- Comes from a place of empathy.
2) Speculation
- Forming theories, opinions, and ideas based on examining your observations.
- Contemplating why, when, and how to adjust, revise, and pivot Observations and Experimentations.
3) Experimentation
- Creation. Making things that had not yet existed before.
- Repeating on a daily basis to stretch, and work your creative muscles to a point of discomfort.
- Sharing with others to open for constructive feedback.
I realized that I am really good at number one. I am decent with number two. And number three I have very little to show for.
People remember the things that others did, not what they thought. Ideas are really meaningless, unless executed upon.
After ‘Observing’ most of my life, I have begun to categorize ideas and thoughts into principles. This perspective comes from the understanding that whenever I read something, I was reading someone else’s means of achieving their desired outcome.
It was their means, that fell under a specific principle that could be applied to most peoples lives.
Means change, but principles stay the same.
I started to ask myself,
“Do I have a perspective to share?”
“How can I get an emotional reaction out of someone else?”
“Do I have experiences that I can draw upon to put into remarkable stories?”
“Am I going crazy thinking all of this?”
Someone once told me if myself, or my ideas are viewed as crazy at first, then I am onto something. I still wonder if that’s good thinking or not.
So, here is me being vulnerable (crazy if you will), and showing you a bit of my perspective on life for 2018. These are a few of my personal reminders that I will be repeating to myself on the daily.
“Different, not better.”
Let alone not being any fun whatsoever, it’s a waste of time trying to be marginally better than someone else. Sure, you can look at “competition” to rationally observe their perspective, but in terms of your health, happiness, and success, it will offer you zero value.
“Create stability and sanity in your home life, to go insane in your work.”
I got this gem from Bryan Cranston, one of my favourite actors. Here’s my perspective: Have something of deep meaning to come back to. Family and friends will always be there for you, so invest your time in them. Talk to family often, do the dishes, cook dinner, take care of your fitness, and relax. Be grateful for all of it. Then unleash yourself.
“Is this emotion useful? Yes or No.”
I don’t really ever get worked up. And it’s probably because I repeat this phrase to myself when I feel myself getting irrationally upset, or angry. “Is this useful?” Yes? Then observe it, and react rationally. No? Observe it, feel it, do not judge it, and move on with your life. 90% of the time, the answer is “No.”
“Creation over consumption.”
The entirety of my 2018 summed up into one phrase. Thanks to my friend, Nate Green. Don’t sit back. Go all in. Make something and have fun with it. Also, don’t take yourself so seriously, damnit.
“Does the intended action better myself and those around me? Yes or No.”
My life motto over the last few months. Please, if you have a shorter way of saying it, let me know. I’ve said it to myself so many times now, I literally just feel the question and ask myself ‘yes’ or ‘no.’
Whatever goal I have made for myself, I understand that it is only an outcome. They don’t just magically happen, so why waste my time every day just coming up with ideas and dreaming about it?
Outcomes are only successfully arrived upon through repeatable behavior. — consistent action that honours the desired end goal. Thus, success in my terms is right now. Am I doing what I can right now to put myself on the right track? Along this journey, am I holding others accountable and elevating their game as well?
Yes? Then great! I am living to my version of success and happiness right this moment. I don’t need to wait for anything.
No? It’s all good, buddy. Feedback, not failure. Progress, not perfection. You can’t always get a ‘yes,’ and everyone experiences this. So what can you do to get back on track right now?
Now, it’s time to plant that tree.
Mastery by Robert Greene
Principles by Ray Dalio
10 Percent Happier by Dan Harris
Do the Work by Steven Pressfield
The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle